Neck Saviour
We are always here to help if you have any questions



necksaviour is a useful tool for many professionals including: Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Pilates, Yoga and Alexander Technique Instructors and masseurs.

necksaviour is already proving invaluable to us in our own clinic. We use it on patients where gentle cervical traction is indicated. This could be due to local pathology and symptoms or if we feel there is a cervical component to a peripheral problem. Before necksaviour I regularly wished I could include traction in a patient’s treatment regime while working peripherally.

necksaviour is so simple and quick to apply that patients can be gaining the benefit within seconds.

We are certain they will enjoy what necksaviour does so much that they won't want to leave the clinic without one. necksaviour’s action means it is an ideal Pilates and Yoga partner.

Pilates and Yoga instructors

Pilates & Yoga instructors use necksaviour to:

1. Encourage control of the head, neck and upper trunk with stabilisation and lower limb exercises.
2. Add a further neck stretching component to stretching exercises.
3. Gain a neck stretch during relaxation and breathing exercises.


Clinic / Studio Packs 

necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack

necksaviour Classic - clinic/studio 10 pack

necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack
necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack

necksaviour Mini - clinic/studio 10 pack


What the professionals say

" I've been a Pilates teacher for over 10 years and along with lower back pain, neck complaints are something I come across day in day out. Using necksaviour has brought my Pilates sessions to a different level. In many instances I replace head pads with the necksaviour to keep my client's necks in good spinal alignment. At the same time my clients can benefit from a gentle stretch of their neck and they can immediately feel the tension being released and the stiffness easing. necksaviour is a very effective way of realigning the spine in preparation for movement and encourages shoulder and pelvic/lumbar stabilisation whilst performing a number of Pilates exercises.

As Pilates teachers we all know that when the spine curves, the entire body is thrown out of it's natural alignment. Almost every other person that walks into our studios suffers with this problem. The necksaviour aids in many Pilates exercises used to correct posture and spinal alignment. I have also found necksaviour very effective when placing clients in thoracic extension. After using necksaviour many of my clients say they feel an inch taller. Is this not one of the goals we try to achieve with Pilates?"

Keti Snee

"The disc spaces are more easily visualised on the X - ray with necksaviour in use”

- Consultant Radiologist


We want to work with you to enhance your therapies or classes. 
Contact us today to discuss how we can work together and provide you with a bespoke price for using our necksaviour products. 



We work directly with a number of wholesalers/distributors globally. Get in touch if you are interested in collaborating with us. We are particularly keen to further establish quality regional exclusive agreements. 
